Friday, September 01, 2006

Yeah for Internet!

I whole lot has changed since I last wrote. Ryan and I are now living in North Carolina. We are in High Point, which is outside of Greensboro. So far we like it. It has been raining the past 3 days, but at least it cooled down some. Josh called me yesterday and said, "batten down the hatches. Ernesto is coming." My reply was, "Is that a storm or something?" That is uninformed me, not having internet, t.v., or looked at a paper for a week.

Here's how it went down. Everything worked out with Ryan's math license. (Well, at least I hope so since we are here now.) We packed up the U-haul on Sunday, with the help of a lot of great friends. On Sunday we stayed at Ryan's parent's house. We wanted a bed to stay in and also we though it appropriate to start and end our stay in Minnesota at their house. We headed out on Monday morning. That first day we made it to Louisville, Kentucky. We made the rest of the trip on Tuesday. The cats were GREAT in the car. I was very proud of them. We arrived in Greensboro that evening and met up with Joylynn and Thor for some dinner. Ryan had to start work on Wed. because the students came Friday. I was busy looking for apartments. We found one and moved in Friday. Well, I moved as much as I could while Ryan was at work. When he came back he helped with the rest. It is much easier with 10 people as opposed to 2. We love our apartment. It is 2 bed/2 bath, big kitchen, and a sunroom. The cats are enjoying it so far. We bought a washer and dryer and got that on Wed. We got our internet and cable hooked up this morning.

We haven't had much chance to scope out the scene of High Point. We did go to the Arboretum with Joy and Thor last week to have a picnic. This weekend Laura Griffin is coming up to spend the weekend up here. She is teaching in North Carolina now as well.

I have applied to two jobs at the North Carolina Zoo. We shall see.

If you did not get the e-mail that I sent out with our new address, let me know so I can get it to you.

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