Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I hope everybody had a good Labor Day weekend.

On Friday, Ryan and I met Joy, Laura, and Thor at Joy's place for some sloppy joes. Then we played some games of UNO and watched part of "Big Fat Liar."

On Saturday Ryan and I went furniture shopping. We would like a kitchen table, a chair for the sunroom, and a futon for the guest bedroom. We were unsuccessful. You'd think that since High Point is the furniture capital of the world, furniture would be cheaper. Well, it's not. It's more expensive that in MN. I want IKEA again! That evening Joy, Laura, and Thor came over for tacos and we watched "She's the Man." I was VERY skeptical. I would have never rented it, but we watched it and it was REALLY funny. Then Thor headed back home and Laura and Joy spent the night.

In the morning we went to Joy's church and then ate some Vietnamese food-yummy. That night Ryan and I rented "Poseidon." We enjoyed it. I finished my "Freeing Keiko" book and now I'm on to "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." I read half the book in one day. I also got some little things around the house done that I needed to do. So, here I am. Tuesday morning...watching Regis and Kelly in my pajamas. What I life. I need job...bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVED Poseidon! It was great on the big screen. And I'm glad you got to hang out with my sister. It's still so weird that just a month ago, we were all sitting in Port Huron, tossing out the idea that you should go to NC. Now you're there!