Friday, September 08, 2006

My poor kitty, Obi, has had a rough morning. First, he got sick. Then, he had his first shower. Obi likes to hang out between the shower liner and curtain when I am taking a shower. Well, I think he got a little too curious, because he ended up in the shower. Unfortunately I was rinsing my face wash off, so I didn't see what happened, and it also caused me to react slower then if I was watching. I opened my eyes and there is my poor cat trying to get out of the shower, but the liner suctions to the sides so he couldn't get out. I turned of the water and he was pretty wet. I couldn't help but laugh. Once I got out I was able to dry him off the best I could with a towel. Who would've though that wet dog and wet cat smell similar. As I type this, he is still licking off the excess water. It was a good laugh.

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