Wednesday, July 21, 2004

I will give you two scenarios and you can decide which is made up and which is real:

1. I leave for Bible study and arrive at Alicia and Jen's house early. Nobody is home, so I decide to sit in my car and play games on my cell phone. As I'm playing games, I look at my keys in the ignition and say to myself, "Self, you should probably take your keys out now, so you don't forget to take them out when someone arrives and you get out of the car." So I listen to myself and take the keys out and put them in my purse. Alicia arrives. Jen arrives. We go to Bible study in Jen's car. After Bible study I drive home.

2. I leave for Bible study and arrive at Alicia and Jen's house early. Nobody is home, so I decide to sit in my car and play games on my cell phone. As I'm playing games, I look at my keys in the ignition and say to myself, "Self, you should probably take your keys out now, so you don't forget to take them out when someone arrives and you get out of the car." Someone arrives home, I get out, go in the house, go to Bible study. We are driving back from Bible study and I realize my keys are not in my purse. We get to my car and they are sitting in the ignition. The police won't help so we call a locksmith and I end up paying $75 for a stupid mistake.

You decide.

1 comment:

Joylynn Rasmussen said...

My poor poor Sara!:( Although it makes for an amusing story, you just want to kick the car door in frustration for forgetting to get the keys. And the hefty bill is a pain in the rear too. I love you:)