Monday, July 31, 2006

Being unemployed has allowed me to read a lot and watch a lot of movies. Here's what I've been doing.

-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix-too long
-To Touch a Wild Dolphin
-Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince-this and the Goblet of Fire are my 2 favorite
-Island of the Blue Dolphins
-Secret Life of Bees-loved it
-currently reading Freeing Keiko-book about the whale from Free Willy

-Cabin Fever
-Stay-very good...Josh, you'd like it (new release at Blockbuster)
-The Hills have eyes
-Wolf Creek
-I think there is more, but I can't remember right now. The 100 degree weather is frying my brain.

After watching a few horror movies lately, I have some advice. If you are in a situation where the killer is vulnerable, don't just shoot him/her once. They'll come back and kill you. Shoot numerous times or take a the time to finish them, so you yourself DO NOT DIE. Ryan and I were getting very annoyed.

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