Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yeah! I have a job! It's at the NC Zoo as a temporary zookeeper in the African Pavilion section. There are various primates, some amphibians and reptiles, and small mammals, such as foxes and meerkats. I start on Monday and am very excited. I will work 40 hours/week, in a rotating schedule. Since it's temp. I don't get benefits, unfortunately. Hopefully it'll be a good way to get my foot in the door.

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

Congratulations my dearest friend!

I am so glad you have something. Hopefully it will turn into something perminant, or at least point you in a good direction. I think it will be good. You really get around in those zoos now don't ya?? :) That's kinda exciting to look at all the places you've been and all the animals you've worked with!

I like the pictures of your new place! It looks very lovely. I want to post pics of mine soon! ok... well.. I love you and miss you!