Thursday, August 26, 2004

Well, NSO (new student outreach) as official begun for InterVarsity. Today there was Towers Move-in. I will admit yesterday I REALLY didn't want to do it, mostly because I was frustrated that Natasha and I were the only ones doing it out of our whole chapter. I ended up meeting a cool chick from the Young Church, so all is good. And I got a free t-shirt out if it. :)

My surgery went excellent. Thanks for all of you who were praying. It totally helped. The day of the surgery I took pain meds (vicadin, baby) just because I figured I'd be in pain cause I just got a screw put up in my bone. That evening I was extremely sick to my stomach, but never threw up. That night I wasn't in pain, but took a pill just cause I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night hurting. I was very good about putting ice on my face that first day. I woke up the next morning and...NO pain and NO swelling. How cool is that! So basically I have about 15 extra pain pills that I don't even need. Oh, and the stupid thing about this all is I DIDN'T EVEN GET A TOOTH PUT IN. Apparently "implant" surgery is where they just put the screw in, and then I have to go to another surgeon to get the tooth in 3-5 months. How did I completely miss that? I want to give the surgeons the benefit of the doubt and say that I just missed that part, but come on! I don't think I'm that dumb! I just don't think they were too clear about the process. So, I get to be a hillbilly all semester. Fun! Apparently after my surgery I called my brother and had not much recollection of it. I thought it was a dream because I remember saying that my surgery went well and he said, "I didn't know you were getting surgery", but that's all I remember. Crazy what drugs do to you. Just say no. (But you can say yes if you are getting oral surgery and you don't want to remember a darn thing about it)

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