Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I just got back from a very relaxing day on Lake Norman which is near Charlotte. A co-worker, Katy's, family rented a BEAUTIFUL house on the lake, and Katy invited me there for the day. I arrived around 11 and left around 9. We went out on the boat, layed on floaties in the water, ate a lot of good food, and played Bag-O (where you throw the bean bag in the hole). Katy and I were the champions!

Ryan and I watched King Kong yesterday and today. I'll have to say it's one of the most absurd movies I've ever seen. I don't know if Peter Jackson was intending it to be that way. It was a struggle to get through it. When characters do things that would kill them about 500 times, it gets a little old.

I was very excited because season 2 of Beverly Hills 90210 came out on DVD and I got it. Now, you may be thinking that 90210 is just as absurd or even more so then King Kong, but you are wrong. (I'll just keep telling myself that). It was my favorite show growing up. I was obsessed you could say so it brings back lots of good memories. And I got to meet Gabrielle Carteris (Andrea) from the show which I thought was pretty cool. Growing up I had a wall covered in 90210 posters, so to meet someone that you watched weekly and covered your walls was cool.

House is looking great! I'll post pictures once I load them on the computer. We started packing up some stuff in our apartment.

I started reading Harry Potter 7 but I'm not as far as I would like. Things keep coming up which prevent me from reading. I was hoping for a big long stretch of time to just sit and read, but that hasn't happened in a week. What can I say? I'm a busy gal.

Ryan lost his luggage when he went to MN but it came in the mail yesterday. Hooray! There was some valuable (not $, but personally) stuff in there. Nothing was missing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Get to the part where Herimone dies yet? :)