Monday, September 06, 2004

Happy Labor Day to all! Ryan's parents and family friends, the Prudens, are up this weekend. They arrived on Friday. On Saturday we went mini golfing (I beat my husband for the 3rd time in a row), had a barbecue at our apartment, went swimming at the hotel and got ice cream. Today we went swimming, had a picnic at Deerfield Park, and ate at Big Boy. It was quite a sight to see: after swimming Gayle started a hot tub in their room at the hotel. So me, Ryan, and Gayle were sitting in there in our swim suits. Then Gayle got out and Chad got in. Nothing like 3 people trying to squeeze in a hot tub made for 1 or 2 people. Then the boys made it too hot, so I had to get out.

Let me say, I hate politics. We were watching something today about the Democrat party. First the daughters and son of the candidates were answering questions at a college or something. Then we watched Edwards speak in Wisconsin. It's dirty and I don't like it. Give me a list of what the candidates stand for and I'll make my decision. I hate the speeches because they just talk bad about each other and then claim how it's bad to put people down. I don't get it. Black and white. That's all I want. (FYI: I still don't know who I'm going to vote for because I am not nearly as educated on the issues as I need to be...for issues I do already know about, the score is Bush 2, Kerry 1)

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