Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

First my mom...I love you! Thank you for being a wonderful mother. Today I was thinking of the fact that your mom never got to see you be a mom, and that makes me sad. I am so happy that you get to see me be a mom. I hope I make you proud. Thank you for always letting me know that I am loved. One week in Bible study the leader asked how many of us had parents that told us they loved us and showed us affection. Only 3 out of about 11 of us raised our, Ryan, and Kelly. That's sad for the others who didn't have parents that hugged them, snuggled with them, tucked them in at night, and said "I love you" regularly. Mom, thank you for being that parent so I could proudly raise my hand.

I had a wonderful first Mother's Day. I had to work, but I was able to get an ultrasound at work and see my baby today. When I got home Ryan had the baby furniture set up, bought me flowers, and made me apple crisp. It was perfect.

I am still loving being pregnant, but am starting to feel a lot more pregnant. It's harder to get up from sitting or laying, it's hard to put socks on, it's hard to bend over. I told Ryan the other day, "If I didn't have to wear socks, underwear, or pants, life would be easier right now." I don't think that would go over very well. My little turkey is very active in my belly, and it is just a miracle. I love feeling him/her move, and love when others get to experience it too. I am feeling much more then just kicks is just generally movin' and a shakin'.

So, to all the mothers out there...Happy Mother's Day!!!!

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