Sunday, November 20, 2005

We got our kitties on Friday. They acclimated well to the new home. Well, the first day we just kept them in the bathroom. When they got here they ate right away, then curled up on our laps, then played later in the evening. The following day we introduced them to the bedroom, so now when we are home they have access to the bedroom, bathroom, and connecting closet. They enjoy the extra space. They chase each other a lot and wrestle a lot also. But occasionally they'll come and check on mom and dad, by climbing up our chest and rubbing their noses on our faces. Our black one we named Triton. Our orange and white cat we named Obadiah Won, or Obi Won for short. Ryan always wanted to name our future child Obadiah, but I wouldn't let that fly. So I compromised and allowed him to name the cat that instead. We will get some pictures up here as soon as I get some loaded from the digital camera.

Today I did my first waterwork during a show. It was a lot of fun and went really well. I am doing it tomorrow when the guy, Ryan, comes to the zoo to take pictures, so hopefully he'll get some good ones so I can post those also.

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