Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I swear...I am still alive. I know it's been a long time. No excuses. I'm just lazy. Let's see. The zoo is still going well. I am anxious to get a paying job with marine mammals, but we'll see when that happens. Last weekend Ryan and I headed home to Hancock to have Christmas with my family up there. It was a wonderful time. I got to see my mom, dad, step-mom, grandpa, brother, and sister-in law. Michigan is covered with snow, when here in Minnesota, we just recently got our first inch. (I actually love the lack of snow cover, although it is extremely cold). I do have some pictures from the zoo that I will post on here when I have more time. It's my day off and Ryan and I have a billion places to go. I've been sick the past couple of days. I actually called in sick yesterday, which is the first time ever at any job that I've done that. I got what 4 others at the zoo where sick with...sore throat, exploding head, dizzy, upset stomach. Fun stuff. I am feeling better today, although not 100% yet. If you are reading this, I am desperate for some contact outside of this house and the zoo so PLEASE give me a call, write me a letter, send me a care package, send me a dozen roses...hee hee hee. You get the picture. Peace out.


Joylynn Rasmussen said...

Dearest Sara,
This is my first form of outside contact to you:) Minnesota sounds like North Carolina (can you believe that we're so far apart geographically??) in that we have had very cold temps (even compared to MI--below freezing) w/out any snow.

Sickness: EWWWWWW. No fun but calling in sick once in a while is not such a bad thing is it?

I love you and miss you.

Lizzie said...

dude, just updated my blog... no excuses for me either. I miss you so much and think of you often. I read that card you wrote me a lot. :)

I will send you a dozen roses, but first I need your address.

Oh, that check was taken care of.