Yes, I am still alive. Life is just getting a little crazy lately. What's been going on? Last weekend Ryan and I went down to Garden City to stay with Phil and Sandy for the weekend. On Friday we went to a Roper concert. This is Reese Roper's (from Five Iron Frenzy) new band. It was a small crowd, but that meant I could watch and listen from up close without getting pushed and kicked and stuff. I enjoyed it. They played a
FIF song, which was a little crazy and weird, but that's ok. I guess they got on one of the Billboard charts last week for new artist or something. I don't really understand how that record industry stuff goes.
I got to see Josh for a short 2 hours or so on Tuesday. He was downstate with a group of high school kids from Upward Bound doing various college tours. He was at CMU so we met for lunch at Wendy's and then I went on part of the tour with them before I had to go to class. I did skip my religion class before that and of course we had a quiz. I guess it's a good thing I'm taking it credit/no credit then!
Today I am going up to Cedar Campus again in the U.P. for an InterVarsity alumni retreat. No, I'm not an alumnus yet, but Ryan and I are going to baby-sit. I think we have 9 kids to take care of. Yikes! We'll be able to test out these parenting skills I guess. Except we will never have anywhere close to 9 kids!
School is going well. I am enjoying my classes, which is nice for my last semester. I am kinda getting that senior slump, but since I tend to be an over-achiever, I am not actually slacking off at all. I am getting good grades in all of my classes. Even one I'm getting over 100%. Kinda crazy!