Monday, August 14, 2006

We still aren't positive about what we are doing or where we are going. It still looks like we are heading to North Carolina, which we really want to do. There were some problems with a math license in that state, but Ryan thinks it is all worked out now.

I got my hair cut today. It is chin length in a cute bob cut. I like it so far. We'll see when I have to style it myself come tomorrow.

Today when I was packing I found an old journal from senior year of highschool. It is very humerous to read. I really should be packing. Instead I'm reading that and Ryan is watching football.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

This past week we headed to Michigan for Melissa's wedding. Ryan and I flew out on Wed. We stayed at Phil and Sandy's in Garden City on Wed. and Thurs. night. We played some Super Mario Brothers, ate a lot of good food, played a lot of cards, and went to a comedy club. On Friday morning Ryan and I drove to Port Huron. I went to lunch with the females from the wedding party and the mothers at Olive Garden. Then Ryan and I met up with 2 friends from CMU, Krista and Laura. We got some desert at Bob Evens. Then we had the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I had some raspberry beer-very good. Excellent steak and veggies. After that we headed back to the hotel. The girls from the wedding party plus Maren met in Melissa's hotel room and we laughed all night. We were up until 2:00 I think. It's always a good time when me, Allyn, Melissa, and Maren get together and reminisce about old times.

The morning of the wedding was busy. One girl did 6 girls' hair. But she got us all done in time, for the most part. The girls loaded in a big conversion van with the wedding dress and sped to the church. We quickly got dressed and got some pictures done. Let me tell you...get married in an air conditioned church. This church wasn't and it was HOT. During the ceremony we were all dripping sweat. And poor Melissa who had about 10 layers of dress. The ceremony was beautiful and so was Melissa. It was so cute how Ryan (groom) watched Melissa the whole time and won't take his eyes off her during the ceremony. It was really sweet.

We took a limo bus to the reception. There was really good food there and we danced the night away. The Cipriano's, old teachers from highschool, were there. It is strange being an adult now and having old teachers treat you as one. It was also nice to see Melissa's family who I haven't seen for many years.

After the reception we had an after-party at the hotel. Then we hung out with some people from the wedding in the lobby until 4 am. There was a lovely dance off between a groomsman and a 70 year old drunk stranger. It was great! "Rap is crap," as he likes to say.

Sun. we had lunch with everyone and then did present opening. We didn't stay for much of that. We headed back to Garden City. I took a nap, boys played Nintendo. Then we went out to dinner and played more cards.

Now we are back on MN. It looks as if there is a good chance we will be moving to Greensboro, NC, where the lovely Joylynn lives. I will update when I find out more.